Check it out people! Our publicaddress website is now up and running!
You’ll find me in the profile section, under “people”… Well. I’m not physically UNDER any people, but you know what I mean?

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You got quite the experience hey?? mmm sweeet:) NO wonder your blog kicks bumblebee ass...no lets say Optimus lamo prime!!!
Yeah... yeah... I'm quite the professional!
I'm trying to raise my game with the blog and write more regularly than I used to in the past... But sometimes it's tough finding stuff to write about. It's also not easy writing about love/sex etc without giving too much away and compromising your privacy. Fine lines and boundaries, I guess.
I really dig your writing style too, Wills! You really put yourself out there. I'm hoping to be that brave some day...
Oh yeah! I DO totally kick optimus LAMO prime's hiney!!!
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