Last week was tough, you guys! Really really tough… Meetings, deadlines, demanding clients. The works. By Thursday evening, I’d reached rock bottom. Got home from work, went to church for a little spiritual “healing” and got home ready to drown my sorrows in a couple of bottles of wine. (I was so stressed, I would’ve sucked back a bottle of cutex remover if there was no booze in the house! Help!) So when Friday morning (the start of the weekend, yay!) finally rolled around I could barely contain my excitement. “Hay no corrida” blasted its way through my stereo as I made my way to Rhubarb (the recording studio that we use for all our voiceover recordings) to record my voice for a presentation that we were putting together for a client. I’ve done loads of voiceovers in the past, so I wasn’t too stressed about it. In fact, rather the contrary: It felt good being back in a studio doing something other than the day to day grind at my mac. Then it was back to the office to put the finishing touches on the presentation, to deliver it to the client by 4pm. By 5pm I was home and basking in weekend bliss, also due in part to the fact that there’s a new guy around who’d been calling me all day. Nice. We had an awesome hour-long chat on the phone, full of goofy jokes and getting-to-know-you flirting. Friday evening was chilled. Saturday was busy, - our cleaning lady has gone AWOL, so my mom and I threw on our aprons and spent the day cleaning. Yawn. Then Saturday night I was off to Primi to meet my best mate Lor-Lor for dinner. (Cool website, Primi!) Two cosmopolitans later we were laughing our heads off, talking about the usual: men and sex. (I think that the bartender poured those drinks with real love! Boy, were they strong! Maybe it’s ‘cos we waited so long for them – something about them losing their cosmo glasses, WHAT?!? – that I think he thought he’d get us sloshed so we wouldn’t complain to the manager!) I had the ravioli and Lor-Lor had the salmon pasta. I think it might have been a little too much for that late at night, ‘cos by the time I’d eaten my last piece, I felt like a beached whale. A tipsy beached whale. Groan. So I can’t say that I felt too sexy meeting The Guy for some QT. But I’m glad I did. We’re having a really nice time getting to know each other. (More on this as things develop. Wink!) Sunday was family time, - lunch with my gran. Breyani, yum! And before I knew it, it was Monday. Again.
Things don’t feel too bad today though…
I’m looking forward to a productive week at my desk; being back at the gym after having the flu for so, SO long; having more laughs with The Guy and eating healthy. (I really want to look good in the killer dress that I bought for my dad’s 60th birthday party in 4 week’s time, so it feels wonderful being back on track with the healthy living after 3 week’s of the flu and comfort eating.)
Life feels weirdly normal for a change. Weird.
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