Thursday, March 15, 2007

Now THAT'S hot...

That Ryan Reynolds has come a LONG way from that silly "Pizza" sitcom...
He's lost his shirt in this pic, and quite frankly, I hope he never finds it!


noodle said...

hey. HEY.

last I heard he was engaged to alanis morrisette. eenteresting.

Michelle said...

May I just add a VERY hearty "amen" to your last statement? :-) Sjoe!

Carmen Gabriel said...

Word on the street is that he and Alanis have broken up... But you never know what to believe... especially ir the source is Perez Hilton, - heh heh heh!

Gail Streak said...


mardendavid said...

Your statement is completely wrong... Are you girls blind or what? Look his black T-shirt hanging on th back of his pants...

spaingirl55 said...

ryan reynolds is H-O-T HOT!!!!!
he is hotter than eric szmanda!!!!
he is really really cute in "waiting"!!!!!