Where do I begin to compare the 2 latest movies that I've seen? The Queen vs The Last Kind of Scotland.
How are they alike?:
1. They're both about controversial "leaders".
2. They both document turbulent times in their relevant countries.
3. They've both produced Oscar Award winning performances from their lead actors.
How do they differ?
Well... in a nutshell: one was completely unforgettable and outstanding, and the other was quite "blah", for want of a better term.
Sure the attention to detail on The Queen is phenomenal, and yes, I'll admit it, I got a little choked up when I saw the actual footage from Di's funeral. Read more about it here. But, if you want to watch a movie that will change your life, you simply cannot afford to miss The Last Kind of Scotland! Pretty much everyone seems to agree that Forrest Whittaker gives the performance of his life in this terrifying story set in Uganda and recounting a few months in the life of a doctor working for Idi Amin. I was literally on the edge of my seat and you will be too, I can guarantee it! I happened to catch an interview with Forrest on the E-Entertainment channel the other day, where he talks about his portrayal of one of the most feared and hated men of all time. He was saying that he is very aware, as a fellow black man, of how black leaders would have been vilified and demonised by the West in a time when black people around the world were fighting for their freedom from colonial rule and western oppression. Yes, he knows that Idi Amin as a dictator and killer, but he wanted to show the man that Uganda loved and put into power first, before we see what we already know about him, - the paranoia, the ruthlessness... Forrest was going for a multi-dimensional portrayal of a man that everyone only knew one side of, and he's achieved it. He more than deserved the Oscar for best actor. I doubt that he will ever find a role like this one again, but even if he doesn't, believe me when I say that Forrest Whittaker's work is done here, people. He can quite happily retire, knowing that he has nothing more to prove to the world!
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