I mean... You're never quite sure if they might turn out to be the next Ed Gein, with a giant axe hidden in the trunk of their car. (I watch way too much tv. CSI and the Crime Channel are KILLING my love life!)
Then again, you just have to be brave and a little daring and take that leap of faith, 'cos you never know who you might meet. You may just be pleasantly surprised. Maybe the person we fear isn't the stranger, but the "axe murderer" inside each of us... Axe murderers come in all shapes and sizes and they don't just kill other people, they also kill dreams and fantasies... hopes and expectations... Does the fear of killed hopes and expectations (of your own hopes and expectations being killed by nobody but you) hold us back from meeting someone new.
I dunno.
Just throwing it out there...
CSI Miami and CSI, Waking the dead, Inspector Linley, Crime and Punishment . . . I understand!
the only thing to fear is fear itself. no one can hold you back except you. yet we do it to ourselves all the time. its like we are afraid of the good stuff?
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