Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Looking back...

As my parents and I tucked into our fancy seafood dinner at my place last night, I pulled out some old pictures and came across these. After my letter to my gran yesterday, I thought I should share them, so you could see for yourself what an amazing lady she was. Here I am at ±1 year old with my dad's parents, my Grandpa Joe and Grandma Rosa Gabriel...

And just because I can... Here I am with my mom on my first birthday. Don't be deceived by the frilly dress and crocheted socks. I apparently kicked my butterfly birthday cake on the day, and proceeded to sit on the table and lick the icing off my shoes. There are also a few pics of my mom laughing and holding her hand over my mouth. I think I might have dropped a swear word or two just for good measure. Ghetto!

1 comment:

noodle said...

Too cute!

You must have given your mom such a hard time… Naughty!