One of our clients here at publicaddress: is the Ballito Lifestyle Centre, and we're currently in the process of putting together a whole new brand campaign for them for the year ahead. This of course involved setting up a shoot for images that we can use in the various campaign elements. Seeing as they wanted "real people" in the ads, we decided to tell the super-shmo-dels to take a hike and cast our friends and families in the shot list instead... Oh! And we made the cut too, unfortunately... I say "unfortunately", because those of you who know me will also know that I HATE having my picture taken... Why in the name of all that is holy would I EVER allow myself to be in a shoot (AGAIN!) is beyond me. Anyway... we had fun!
I'm still waiting to see what the real pics look like... These are just off my little cell phone.
Me and Gabby sharing a plate of chips at the Wimpy, talking about beads and all things pink...

Me and JaneO at the end of the LONG day, tired but silly as always!

Me getting all artsy-fartsy with my camera, getting a pic of the "sail" structure from underneath...
You fabulous thing!
Who the heck said you not supa-mh-dls...super babe in jean jacket helooooo???
Aaaaah Willem!!!
You're such a charmer! You know just what to say to a non-model!
And as for you Noodle Pops! You know how I HATE the camera... Bleurgh!!!
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