Dad turned 60 on the 30th August and we’re having the biggest birthday bash EVER for him on Saturday (8th September) at the Racecourse. It’s gonna be so cool! Because my dad is a musician, they’ll be loads of muse-o’s there, so there’ll be live music and lots of dancing. I can’t wait! My dress is an absolute KNOCKOUT! (Let’s just say I won’t be eating any cheese or carbz for the next few days… LOL!) I’ll make sure that the photographer takes loads of kiff pics for my blog and facebook. Here are a couple of pics from the sushi lunch we had for his birthday at the John Dory’s (Gateway)…
My mom and dad…
My hot brother, Brendan…
And the beautiful sushi bar.
Shot for missing his speeech what were yu doing???
Naughty naughty spankin in the bushes?? yum :) fun fun in the moonlight fun!!! :P
I am gonna have to spank you rotten...
Yes. I did miss his speech! Nobody is saying anything about that at home. I think they're too angry too even bring it up... HA HA HA!!!
Oh well... I gotta listen to his kak everyday. One missed pseech isn't going to make a difference...
Besides... It was worth it! HA HA HA HA HAAAA!!!
ehehheh naughty is my middlename!!! Yu wanna what me?? Oh heartbeat is racing...Yu missed your speeee-ech. AHAHAHAHAHAH for a spank in the bushes or whateva yu were miss prissy, what were you doing?? waaaargggg!!!!
I was kissing boys in the parking lot, okay!!!
Is that what you want to hear????
I said it...
So "naughty" is your middle name? I thought it was "Danger" or something like that...
And yes you DO need a good spanking. I'll have to sort you out beyotch! Before for you get a little too big for your boots. heh heh heh...
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