Here they are eveyone! Hot off the presses. They've barely ended their speeches and the winner's list is out on the web!
So what do you think? Did this lot deserve that gold statuette?
Best Picture: "The Departed"
Best Director: Martin Scorsese, "The Departed"
Best Actor: Forest Whitaker, "Last King of Scotland"
Best Actress: Helen Mirren, "The Queen"
Best Film Editing: Thelma Schoonmaker, "The Departed"
Best Song: "I Need to Wake Up," "An Inconvenient Truth"
Best Original Screenplay: "Little Miss Sunshine"
Best Original Score: "Babel"
Best Documentary: "An Inconvenient Truth"
Best Documentary Short: "The Blood of Yingzhou District"
Best Supporting Actress: Jennifer Hudson, "Dreamgirls"
Best Foreign-Language Film: "The Lives of Others"
Best Visuals Effects: "Pirates of the Caribbean 2"
Best Cinematography: "Pan's Labyrinth"
Best Costume Design: "Marie Antoinette"
Best Adapted Screenplay: "The Departed"
Best Animated Feature: "Happy Feet"
Best Supporting Actor: Alan Arkin, "Little Miss Sunshine"
Best Sound Mixing: "Dreamgirls"
Best Sound Editing: "Letters from Iwo Jima"
Best Live Action Short: "West Bank Story"
Best Animated Short: "The Danish Poet"
Best Makeup: "Pan's Labyrinth"
Best Art Direction: "Pan's Labyrinth"
My thoughts?
I've just watched The Queen this weekend and DAMN, Helen Mirrin was AWESOME! She really had it down, and she really captured the general feeling about the royals in the UK (amongst the British themselves) right now. They HATE the fact that the royal family get to live in the lap of luxury, but at the same time, eveyone gets a tear in their eye when they hear God Save The Queen. The royal family is a very big part of British identity and as much as they hate them today!
I'm off to see The Last King of Scotland next weekend. My brother has just checked it out and he says it's PHENOMENAL. I saw the making last night and Forest Whitaker said some very interesting stuff about how conscious he was (throughout the filming) of the fact that Idi, although a total a/hole, was also the last big African dictator that the racist West could demonise. A lot of what the public around the world actuall read was big time propaganda. Don't get me wrong... We KNOW about the eveil stuff that went down, for SURE! But Forest was saying that he didn't want to show just a one dimensional character, but one that the people actually voted into power in the first place. Interesting...
I'm don't know how I feel about Jennifer Hudson getting the gold for Dreamgirls... I've heard that her performance was very cool and she gave it her all. But I don't know what it is about HER that I don't like...
I'm glad Marie Antoinette got it for best costume. Jeez, they deserved it!
And it's about time Martin Scorcese got an oscar. He was a GREAT fish in Shark Tale, heh heh heh...
I'll leave it there.