Okay. So there I was minding my own beeswax on a Monday morning, when my cousin Lynette smses me to ask if she's gonna see me at the Robbie Williams concert later that evening. Little did I know that my life was about to change... FOREVER!
I knew that he'd be coming around that week. I'd forgotten that it was that very Monday. And for some weird reason, (forgive me Robbie!), I just wasn't amped to go... I KNOW! What was I thinking, right? So I called my mom up at work to ask if she was still able to hook us up with the comps that some friends in the ad industry were threatening to send our way for MONTHS. A couple of calls later... I WAS GOING TO SEE ROBBIE... LIVE!!
Got home. Got dressed. Prayed that the rain would stop. Packed our rain stuff just in case and drove (break-neck speed) to the stadium. We got there just in time to catch Freshly Ground, who were so freakin' awesome I can't actually get it down in words, and then we waited... And waited. Everyone else got rained out, but mom and I were prepared. We were comfortable, but my heart was beating faster and faster as the hour dragged on. Finally, with a crash-boom-bang-KAHPOW, Robbie was there and time stood still!
If I never get to see another concert for the rest of my days, believe me when I say - I'll be just fine thank you very much! Every wink, every naughty smile, everytime he turned around so I could see his bum... EVERYTHING was all just for me!
I've been having a Joaquin Phoenix thing for a while now... But I gotta say... OHMIGOD! I've got to be forgiven for perving Robbie BAD! He's divine...
(The stage shot is from my kak camera phone, and the Robbie closeup is courtesy of my mate, Annelie Strydom.)
I'm soo depressed now that Robbie has gone, we had a connection you know…
shag a brick, you posted! Robbie is so freakn amazing!! I love you Robbie. He said he loves me too! hehe...
hey I'm so freaking jealous! Missed Robbie by 4 days. ;( Tickets for him at Wembley are like R1200 for general admission!
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