Okay... So I write out this LONG story about my new shoes, post it like THREE times and for some reason it doesn't go through.
Let's see if this mini-rant/rave cracks the nod.
Monday, March 20, 2006
Aren't new shoes just THE GREATEST?!

I know I should be working, but I'd much rather spend the day looking at my new shoes. I got these a few weeks ago from Truworths, but I was waiting for just the right kind of day to wear them. Seeing as I had the "back-to-work-blues" (or The Sunday Feeling - as I like to call it) from 'round about LUNCH TIME YESTERDAY, I thought I might need a good reason to go to the office... And then I found them! The PERFECT reason/s... My NEW Shoesies!
Here they are, up on my desk where they will remain for as much of the day as possible.
Ignore that kfc tub to the left of the shot. That's from AGES ago, and holds my paperclips. It's a vicious reminder of what I cannot have this Lent, and what I probably shouldn't be having for the rest of my days on this planet!
And there's a bunch of briefs on the right. Whatever...
Ah. What a feeling.
Thursday, March 09, 2006
This is my baby...

Say HELLO to Sabrina, my baby girl and the love of my life.
She's 7 now.
I hope you like cats, 'cos these pics are just two in a series of a billion. Tee hee!
This is what happens when you're 31, single and still living at home. You start your cat collection. So that by the time you can afford to move out and start your life, you're 60 with 16 cats and a nervous tick.
Bleak, hey?
Thursday, March 02, 2006
Eish! Life is hud when you a wekka!

Candice and I may be smiling in this old pic! But TRUST ME! We're not smiling today! See, Candice and I are two of the copywriters at TBWA\Hunt\Lascaris\Durban and we are having A Day From Hell!
1. Our (breast) friend Cher has left to work some place else and this our first day without her.
2. We BOTH have far too much work to deal with today...
3. ... and the work load just keeps a-growin'!
4. Candice is hosting our bookclub tonight... EEK! So she's stressing about things like out-of-season avocados, guest lists and rain!
5. I'm GOING to bookclub tonight. So I'm stressing about wrecking my diet.
6. It's Lent, so NO DRINKING at bookclub... Bummer. (But I made that rule, so I really can't blame anyone but myself!)
7. I forgot to carry my books for bookclub tonight. (I don't really know why I bothered to take them out LAST NOVEMBER when I haven't bothered to read them! Oops.)
8. I might get thrown out of bookclub tonight for not taking my reading seriously.
Etc etc etc, and so on and so forth.
Oh well.
'Nuff said.
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