Monday, August 07, 2006

Wow. I'm getting quite nifty with the ol' flat irons, hey?

Here I am on Saturday with my shiny straight hair, sitting next to my fave cousin, Lynette at her niece's 1st birthday party. What did we ever do without flat irons, hey girls?
I tell you what I'd be doing... I'd be sitting there on that sofa with a fuzzy hairline and more hair gel than N'Sync went through in the early years... or later years, for that matter.
GHD for president!!


cher said...

You're so pretty! Have you every considered modeling... your boobs! hehe... kidding but not really... but really. I shouldn't be posting this should I, but... it's us... so what the hell!

I love your hair... I wish I had hair... like that! next to you my hair looks like dry frizzy stringy tumble weed! sigh! Why me? hehe.. love ya!

Unknown said...

how do you get your hair so shiny? what products do you use?